ASHLAND - There were no serious injuries after a crash between a School bus and an SUV in Ashland yesterday morning. Ashland Police responded to the intersection of Binsfield and Farm Roads in Ashland. The bus was traveling west on Binsfield when the eastbound SUV turned left to get onto Farm Road, directly in front of the bus. The bus hit the front passenger corner of the SUV. The driver of the SUV, a 28-year-old woman from Bessemer was taken to a nearby hospital to be treated and was then released and she was cited for failure to yield right of way. Parents of the students were contacted as all 25 students and the driver of the bus were taken to Tamarack Health Medical Center to be evaluated and cleared. Students were then taken to Lake Superior Elementary School for class or to be picked up by a parent or guardian. The School Bus sustained minor front-end damage. The name of the driver hasn’t been released.