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LEGEND LAKE, Wis. - Another county in Wisconsin found CWD in one of its deer during hunting season.  The DNR found CWD in a 2-year-old buck harvested by a hunter in Menominee County. Menominee County was already under a 3-year feeding ban, but this case will restart the ban and last three years.  There are 11 counties in Wisconsin that are NOT under a baiting/feeding ban, they include Iron, Ashland, Bayfield, and Price Counties.  CWD was first found in Wisconsin in 2002 and has continued to spread in more than half of Wisconsin's counties.  The DNR must enforce a three-year baiting ban in counties where CWD has been found, according to state law.  CWD is a fatal, infectious nervous system disease of deer, moose, elk and reindeer/caribou.

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