UPPER MICHIGAN - Camping and lodging fees at the Porcupine Mountains are going up at the beginning of August, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. State Park modern and semi-modern campsites will increase between $4 and $10 per night, depending on the location and available amenities, such as electrical. All overnight lodging rates will range from $60 to $120 per night; deluxe lodging will be $160 per night. Modern lodges will undergo a phased increase, capping at $236 per night. The adjustments are intended to make sure the state park operations will be sustained for the long term. Additionally, the rates will help keep pace with fixed costs like utilities, equipment replacement, and staff. The DNR said this is the first fee adjustment in three years. A link to the new rate per site in Michigan can be found on our Facebook Page and Website. https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/-/media/Project/Websites/dnr/Documents/PRD/Rates/StateParkCampgroundOpDatesRates.pdf?rev=b34666ec3fda49d185ffd19473c38bc9&hash=C968802BC9B5DEF60D41065B2CE3E942