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N. WISCONSIN - Road Salt and its Effects on Drinking Water will be covered during winter salt Awareness Week. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Wisconsin Salt Wise invite the public to learn more about the impacts of road salt on drinking water and freshwater ecosystems during Winter Salt Awareness Week, running the 27th through the 31st. According to Wisconsin Salt Wise, one teaspoon of salt is all it takes to make five gallons of water toxic. “All 43 of the long-term trend water quality monitoring sites across Wisconsin are showing increases in chlorides,” according to Shannon Haydin, DNR Storm Water Section Manager. In Wisconsin there is evidence of Fresh Water Salinization Syndrome which is where freshwater becomes more like ocean water in terms of its saltiness. Winter Salt Awareness Week will include a series of YouTube livestreams featuring speakers and topics focused on the true impacts of salt and ways to be a freshwater advocate. Register in advance to attend in person at or watch the replays on YouTube.

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