LANSING - President Joe Biden announced yesterday afternoon that he is withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race. Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer said in a statement on her Facebook Page yesterday in part “President Biden is a great public servant who knows better than anyone what it takes to defeat Donald Trump. My job in this election will remain the same: doing everything I can to elect Democrats and stop Donald Trump.” Whitmer has said she has no interest in running for President but has made no comment on weather or not show would accept a nod for Vice President. U.S. Democrat Senator Gary Peters, saying in part “The Biden-Harris Administration has been a model for delivering bipartisan results for the American people: I thank him for his truly remarkable career of service to our nation.” U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow said in a statement on her X account, “President Biden’s long career of public service has truly improved the lives of Americans in so many important ways and has done more for MI during his presidency than any other president in my lifetime.” Meanwhile Republican Rep. Jack Bergman, who represents Michigan’s 1st Congressional District which includes Gogebic and Ontonagon County said on Facebook “The media and Democrats have told us for over a year now to “not believe our lying eyes.” They have belittled and smeared each and every one of us who have dared to question President Biden’s ability to be the President of the greatest Nation on earth. Biden is clearly unfit for office and has been for quite some time. If he can’t handle being a candidate, why would he be able to handle the daily rigors of the Presidency? He should resign immediately, and the American people should fire every single politician that has been gaslighting and lying to each of us about Biden’s capability to lead our Nation.” The path on how democrats will select a new presidential candidate to go up against Donald Trump in the November Election is unclear.