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BAYFIELD - The Recreation and Fitness Resources Board has announced that a Bayfield event is being retired but another once retired event is coming back. After years of discussion, the annual Polar Plunge is being discontinued, but all is not lost as the RFR is bringing back the Blue Moon Ball. The ball was a regional favorite for decades before the pandemic hit. RFR board member Liam DelMain thought the event was popular enough to take a stab at resurrecting it, with all proceeds going to the Bayfield Rec. Center. The Blue Moon Ball will once again become the RFR’s winter fundraising event. DelMain is also helping to organize a weekend of winter themed events called “Shiver and Shake”, with the ball being the “shake” part. Although some will express dismay that the Polar Plunge isn’t being held, RFR Board President Chuck Finn said the RFR no longer has the organizational structure to organize an event of that kind. The Blue Moon Ball, an all-ages event, with local entertainment including the Chequamagon Bay People’s Orchestra, Spring Fed and DJ GIRLGLYTCH will be held on Feb. 1 from 7 p.m. to midnight at the Lakeside Pavilion.

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